Circular to Shareholders in Relation to the – Proposed Increase in the Authorised Share Capital of Opcom From RM25,000,000 Comprising 125,000,000 Ordinary Shares of RM0.20 Each to RM50,000,000 Comprising 250,000,000 Ordinary Shares of RM0.20 Each – Proposed Amendment to the Articles of Association of the Company – Proposed Bonus Issue of RM8,600,000 Comprising 43,000,000 New Ordinary Shares of RM0.20 Each to Be Credited as Fully Paid-up on the Basis of One (1) New Ordinary Share for Every Two (2) Existing Ordinary Shares Held in Opcom – Proposed Establishment of an Employee Share Option Scheme for Eligible Employees and Directors of Opcom and Its Subsidiaries of Up to Ten Percent (10.0%) of the Issued and Paid-up Share Capital of Opcom