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Speculative Reporting and Recent Social Media Comments on Opcom Holdings Berhad

The Company would like to clarify certain recent statements made on social media relating to claims that Opcom Holdings Berhad (Opcom) was a direct beneficiary of the National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan (NFCP) which was announced by the Government of Malaysia on 28 August 2019. 

Opcom would like to state that it does not possess the requisite MCMC licences to qualify to participate in the NFCP tenders and as such, any claims or statements that it is a direct beneficiary is erroneous. 

In this regard, Opcom would like to state that this matter had also been clarified by the authorities in the media prior to this recent instance. In this regard, we would also invite interested parties to refer to the statement by MCMC dated 3 September 2019, on the same, https://www.mcmc.gov.my/en/media/press-releases/mcmc-clarifies-allegations-on-national-fiberisatio.
